Common Theft, Kloof Street, Gardens @ 22:39 on the 26th November 2022. Our monitoring centre received a panic alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported as per the caretaker an intruder had broken the gate padlock to gain access onto the property and had stolen the back light before fleeing.
OB # 223
Housebreak In & Theft, Portswood Road, Waterfront @ 07:17 on the 28th November 2022. Our monitoring centre received a call from the client stating upon their arrival at work they found the premises had been burgled. No alarm signals were received. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the alarm panel had been removed. An upstairs office equipped with electronic devices was accessed via a window. It was not confirmed what had been taken. SAPS were in attendance.
OB # 235
Armed Robbery, Bradwell Road, Vredehoek @ 08:39 on the 30th November 2022. Our monitoring centre received a panic alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported two females had been attacked and robbed while hiking on the mountain. One of the females was stabbed in the hand when she defended herself. The suspect grabbed one of the females’ cell phone and fled the scene. The phone was traced to Plein Street in Cape Town. There was no need for SAPS as the client would report the incident herself.
OB # 250