Housebreak In & Theft, Hatfield Street, Gardens @ 05:52 on the 1st July 2022. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting there was an intruder in the garage. AR was dispatched and on arrival apprehended two suspects. They had broken the padlock to gain access. SAPS were dispatched and the suspects were taking into custody.
OB # 10
Housebreak In & Theft, Hildene Road, Tamboerskloof @ 08:41 on the 2nd July 2022. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting the premises had been burgled. No alarm signals were received. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported access was gained via a side window which had been forced open. There were no burglar bars covering it. Two lap tops and a monitor were taken. SAPS were in attendance.
OB # 26
Arrest, Derry Street, Vredehoek @ 15:45 on the 4th July 2022. Our monitoring centre received a report from the AR that while on patrol a suspicious male had been apprehended with drugs in his possession. SAPS were dispatched and the suspect was taken into custody.
OB # 53
Malicious Damage to Property, Martin Hammerschlag Way, Culemborg @ 03:48 on the 5th July 2022. Our monitoring centre received a burglar alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises had been burgled as there was glass lying on the ground. Upon investigation with the client, it was found that no access was gained as nothing was taken. SAPS were informed.
OB # 60
Robbery, Buitenkant Street, Gardens @ 04:17 on the 5th July 2022. Our monitoring centre received a panic alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported three suspects driving a BMW without registration had robbed the store. The suspects had taken cash to the value of a R1000.00 and an undisclosed amount of cigarettes. They had also filled the vehicle with R1000.00 worth of petrol before driving off. SAPS were informed.
OB # 61