Housebreak In & Theft, Kloof Street, Gardens @ 09:52 on the 27th August 2021. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a premises had been burgled. The client could not ascertain when the break in had occurred. No alarm signals were received. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported access was gained via a side window. It could not be established what had been taken. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 497
Theft of/Attempted Theft of Motor Vehicle, Delphinium Street, Devils Peak @ 05:40 on the 31st August 2021. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. The client stated there was shouting in the street when called. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported as per a neighbour, two males had attempted to steal a bakkkie parked in the street. They did not succeed and ran off leaving ‘their’ vehicle behind – a red Golf GTI registered to someone residing in Athlone. The vehicle had been hot wired and contained three car batteries, car tapes and numerous licence disks and registration plates. SAPS were in attendance.
OB # 571
Housebreak In & Theft, St John’s Street, Gardens @ 08:16 on the 31st August 2021. Our monitoring centre received a burglary alarm from a premises. When calling, the client stated the premises had been burgled. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported access was gained via a side window and an I Pad and other items were taken. No alarm signals were received. SAPS were in attendance.
OB # 574
Attempted Robbery, Hope Street, Gardens @ 13:19 on the 1st September 2021. Our monitoring centre received a call requesting assistance. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the on-site security officer had apprehended one of three male suspects who had tried to rob a female of her necklace. SAPS were informed.
OB # 36
Trespassing, Albert Road, Woodstock @ 01:40 on the 3rd September 2021. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglar alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the client had apprehended a mentally disturbed female suspect on the premises and requested SAPS. The client stated he would report the incident himself.
OB # 41