Arrest, Hatfield Street, Gardens @ 18:07 on the 23rd October 2020. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a break in. AR was dispatched and on arrival apprehended a male suspect who was hiding in the garage. The suspect who was an ex-employee had worked as a caretaker at the premises. He had climbed a ladder and broke in through an upstairs window. SAPS were in attendance.
OB # 378
Arrest, Corner Aintree & Davenport Road, Vredehoek @ 02:48 on the 24th October 2020. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting three males were seen breaking into a vehicle. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported two suspects were caught. One inside the vehicle, a white Volkswagen Tiguan and the other on the outside. SAPS were dispatched and the suspects were taken into custody.
OB # 382
Shoplifting, Derry Street, Vredehoek @ 16:13 on the 24th October 2020. Our monitoring centre heard SAPS being requested via the neighbourhood watch radio. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported a suspect had been caught for stealing four bottles of liquor. SAPS were in attendance.
OB # 473
Housebreak In & Theft, Pinoak Street, Devils Peak @ 01:42 on the 29th October 2020. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting there were people on the roof of a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported suspects had stolen the geyser from the roof. SAPS were declined as the incident would be reported later in the day.
OB # 480