Housebreak In & Theft,Trek Road, Higgovale @ 00:12 on the 20th December 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting they had been robbed. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported suspect had entered via the open front gate and demanded their cell phones before fleeing toward the mountain. AR patrolled the area in search of the suspect.
OB # 361
Housebreak In & Theft, Riebeeck Street, Cape Town @ 17:53 on the 20th December 2019. Our monitoring centre received multiple alarm activations from a premises. AR was dispatched and met client at the premises. It was confirmed the premises had been burgled as 11 lap tops worth R148 000.00 was taken. As per camera footage three suspects were seen forcing the door open and entering the premises. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 366
Fire, Upper Orange Street, Oranjezicht @ 11:25 on the 23 December 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a displaced person had made a fire and the trees had caught alight. Emergency Services were dispatched and the fire was extinguished.
OB # 406
Arrest / Motor Vehicle Break In, Bradwell Road, Vredehoek @ 01:49 on the 27 December 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a blue Toyota Yaris had been broken into. AR was dispatched and arrested the suspect in Yeoville Road. SAPS were dispatched the suspect was taken into custody.
OB # 466