Housebreak In & Theft, Listowel Road, Salt River @ 07:57 on the 8th November 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a premises had been burgled. The alarm had been armed but no signals were received. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported access was gained via the back door which had been forced open and backpacks were taken.
OB # 140
Housebreak In & Theft, Hiddingh Avenue, Gardens @ 09:47 on the 8th November 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a premises had been burgled. No alarm signals were received. A small side window had been smashed and a kettle and toaster was taken through it. The client reported the incident to SAPS.
OB # 141
Housebreak In & Theft, Buitenkant Street, Cape Town @ 04:45 on the 9th November 2019. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglar alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises had been burgled. Access was gained via the safety gate and front door which had been forced open. Two computers and four monitors were taken. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 152
Housebreak In & Theft, Glencoe Avenue, Higgovale @ 07:25 on the 9th November 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a premises had been burgled. No alarm signals were received. AR was dispatched an on arrival reported access was gained via a window on the mountain side whereby the pane had been removed. Items taken were an Apple Mac and a flat screen television. SAPS were informed.
OB # 159
Housebreak In &Theft, Constitutiion Street, Zonnebloem @ 08:58 on the 9th November 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a premises had been burgled. No alarm signals were received. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 160