Attempted Housebreak & Theft and Assault, Kloof Nek Road, Tamboersloof @ 06:21 on the 2nd August 2019. Our monitoring centre received a panic alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported client had been assaulted by two males when they attempted to break in before fleeing the scene. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 25
Housebreak In & Theft, Leeuwendal Crescent, Gardens @ 22:10 on the 3rd August 2019. Our monitoring centre received multiple alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched. Client called in reporting someone had jumped over the wall. On arrival AR reported suspect had accessed the premises via the garage windows and stolen meat from the refrigerator which was later recovered at a neighbouring premises. SAPS were in attendance.
OB # 48