Housebreak In & Theft, New Church Street, Tamboerskloof @ 13:53 on the 6th July 2019. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglar alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises may have been burgled as the front door was standing wide open. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation as a camera was missing.
OB # 98
Attempted Housebreak In & Theft, Earl Street, Woodstock @ 22:18 on the 6th July 2019. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and informed of multiple burglar alarm signals being received from the neighbouring premises’ as well. On arrival AR reported the client had locked herself in the bedroom. Suspects had broken the back glass door but no access was gained and nothing taken. The neighbour also reported signs of an attempted burglary.
OB # 102
Arrest, Upper Maynard Street, Vredehoek @ 14:13 on the 8th July 2019. Our monitoring centre received a call requesting assistance in Vredehoek Avenue. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported a suspect had entered the premises via the back and stolen light fittings. The suspect was arrested in Upper Maynard Street by the neighbourhood watch. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 131
Fire, Kloof Street, Gardens @ 23:09 on the 8th July 2019. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglar alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported there was smoke coming from the premises. Emergency Services were dispatched who broke down the safety gate and front door to access the premises. The fire was extinguished which had started near a tumble dryer.
OB # 139