Housebreak In & Theft, Orange Street, Gardens @ 19:14 on the 11th May 2018. Our monitoring centre received a phone in alarm reporting multiple signals from the upper deck of a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises was burgled as the front door had been forced open. As per the client there was no need for SAPS as nothing had been taken.
OB # 214
Housebreak In & Theft, Frank Avenue, Highlands Estate @ 03:50 on the 12th May 2018. Our monitoring centre received multiple alarm signals from a premises. As per the client the premises had been burgled. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported access was gained via a window where the pane had been removed. Items taken were a MAC Computer, lap top and camera. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 220
Housebreak In & Theft, Wandel Street, Gardens @ 04:38 on the 13th May 2018. Our monitoring centre received a burglar alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises was burgled as a window was broken and cash was taken from the cash register. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 240
Housebreak In & Theft, Poyser Road, Tamboerskloof @ 12:18 on the 13th May 2018. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched as client reported an intruder on the premises. AR reported access was gained from the mountain side at the back where the suspect broke through the palisade fence. When the client spotted the male suspect, she locked herself up in the bedroom. The suspect forced the back sliding door open and stole x2 Apple I-phones, x1 canon camera, x1 lap top, a black bag containing credit and store cards as well as x4 old phones. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 268
Common Theft, Belmont Avenue, Oranjezicht @ 13:31 on the 15th May 2018. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting the wheels of a silver Ford Fiesta was stolen. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the vehicle which had been parked in the street outside the premises had had its wheels stolen sometime during the previous evening. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 286
Malicious Damage to Property, Mill Street, Gardens @ 14:30 on the 15th May 2018. Our monitoring centre received a request for assistance as the premises windows had been smashed. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported that the suspect had had a meeting at the premises and when the problem could not be resolved he had threatened to overdose on medication. After the on-site security had removed the suspect from the premises, he then took a brick and smashed the glass doors. SAPS were dispatched and the suspect was taken into custody after receiving medical attention as he had injured himself.
OB # 287
Common Theft, Kloof Street, Gardens @ 16:52 on the 15th May 2018. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. When calling, client confirmed all was in order with the password and the AR was cancelled. Later the client called back requesting AR. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported that two male suspects had entered the shop earlier and while one engaged in conversation with the client, the other one had taken a pair of jeans valued at R1200.00. This was only discovered after the suspects had left the premises.
OB # 288