DOA, New Church Street, Tamboerskloof @ 06:37 on the 1 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported a male was lying outside the premises and presumed dead. Emergency Services were dispatched and confirmed death. The male between the ages of 40 - 45 had died of natural causes.
OB# 8
Trespassing, Loop Street, Cape Town @ 18:40 on the 1 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received a call requesting assistance. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported a suspect had been apprehended wandering around on the floors of a building. He claimed to have come to collect payment from the construction company working on the roof but all workers had left already. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 17
Attempted Break In, Hildene Road, Tamboerskloof @ 06:38 on the 2 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received a report from the AR that while patrolling they found the safety gate of a premises had been forced open and a piece of wood had been used as a wedge. The client who is currently overseas confirmed the housekeeper will contact CBAR if necessary when at the premises.
OB # 26
Medical, Annandale Road, Gardens @ 18:40 on the 2 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a medical incident. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported Emergency Services were in attendance as a female had been pushed in front of a moving vehicle. She was escorted to the medi clinic for further follow up.
OB # 31
Housebreak In & Theft, Leeukop Street, Tamboerskloof @ 10:51 on the 3 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglar alarm signals from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises had been burgled. The back door and storeroom door had been forced open. Client could not confirm what had been taken. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 41
Theft Out of Motor Vehicle, Caledon Street, Zonnebloem @ 00:30 on the 4 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received a panic alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and when calling, the client stated that their vehicle window may have been smashed as it was parked out on the street. AR reported on arrival that the left front passenger window of a black Hyundai was smashed and a pair of sun glasses and a set of keys had been taken. Client reported the incident to SAPS himself.
OB # 47
Trespassing, Yeoville Road, Vredehoek @ 15:49 on the 5 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received multiple alarm signals from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported as per the domestic a male was at the front entrance but had escaped via the neighbour’s premises. AR and the neighbourhood watches were asked to be on the lookout as a description was given.
OB # 71
Housebreak In & Theft, Kohling Street, Gardens @ 16:40 on the 6 July 2016. Our monitoring centre received a call from a member of the public reporting a premises had been burgled. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported as per the owner the suspect had forced open the storeroom door and taken items which were unknown at the time before fleeing the scene.
OB # 91