Housebreaking and theft, Tamboerskloof Road, Tamboerskloof @ 13:34 on the 14th August 2015. Our monitoring centre received a phone call reporting a housebreaking incident, AR dispatched to investigate. On arrival AR reported front door and gate forced open. Tv set, computer and electrical equipment were among the items stolen. SAPS notified for further follow-up.
OB # 196
Housebreaking and theft, Seymour Avenue, Vredehoek @ 13:21 on the 16th August 2015. Our monitoring centre received a phone call reporting a break-in. AR dispatched and on arrival reported a computer, headphones and sneakers were among the items removed from the premises. SAPS notified for futher follow-up.
OB # 224
Robbery and theft, Bloem Street, Bo-Kaap @ 01:56 on the 17th August 2015. Our monitoring centre received a phone in reporting a robbery in the street. AR dispatched and on arrival make contact with the member of the public who did not want to open a case. SAPS notified.
OB # 232