Housebreak In & Theft, Cnr Loop & Hans Strydom, Cape Town @ 03:32 on the 17 May 2015. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglar alarm signals from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises had been burgled. Access had been gained by forcing the front door open and wallets had been taken. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 168
Shoplifting, Orange Street, Gardens @ 18:19 on the 19 May 2015. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported three young girls had entered the shop and stolen chocolates. They had run off before AR arrived.
OB # 193
Motor Vehicle Break In, Vogelgezang Street, Zonnebloem @ 03:12 on the 20 May 2015. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported a white Volkswagen Vivo with registration CA 108 810 had been broken into. The back right hand side window had been smashed. The security officer did not know who the vehicle belonged to as it was parked outside the complex and confirmed he would keep watch until the owner arrived.
OB # 195
Theft, Chesterfield Street, Oranjezicht @ 02:07 on the 21 May 2015. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the client’s son had had company when an argument ensured as ‘promises’ were not kept. Two females and two males then grabbed x2 laptops and fled in a white Golf 4. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.
OB # 220