Common Theft, Orange Street, Gardens @ 09:17 on the 18th June 2021. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting a handbag had been stolen. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported a staff member had left her bag containing her wallet and identity document in the kitchen and later discovered it was missing. No one was seen entering or exiting the premises. SAPS were informed.

OB # 363


Housebreak In & Theft, Derry Street, Devils Peak @ 13:29 on the 19th June 2021. Our monitoring centre received a burglary alarm from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival requested back up. The alarm had activated twice before and the client had confirmed everything was in order by giving the password. AR confirmed the safety gate and front door had been forced open. Two safes containing cash and jewellery were taken as well as passports and identity documents. SAPS were in attendance.

OB # 384


Malicious Damage to Property / Arrest, Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock @ 17:01 on the 20th June 2021. Our monitoring centre received a call reporting an electrical box outside a premises had been vandalised. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the WCID had apprehended a male suspect who had cut the cables. SAPS were dispatched and the suspect was taken into custody.

OB # 405


Housebreak In & Theft, Kloof Street, Gardens @ 01:00 on the 21st June 2021. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglar alarm signals from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the premises had been burgled as the side window was open. Upon investigation it was found the suspect had gained access via the right hand side window and taken a laptop and a few bottles of wine. SAPS were in attendance.

OB # 414


Theft, Bellevue Street, Higgovale @ 09:00 on the 22nd June 2021. Our monitoring centre received a call requesting AR as there had been a break in. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported a lap top had been stolen the previous day. There was no need for SAPS as the client would report the incident.

OB # 445


Attempted Theft Out of Motor Vehicle, Cnr Mill & Buitenkant Street, Gardens @ 10:35 on the 23rd June 2021. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarm signals from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival requested SAPS and back up as shots had been fired. AR reported that a suspect had tried to break into a vehicle parked in front of the premises. The owner of the vehicle arrived at the scene and fired a warning shot. The suspect fled and no injuries were incurred.

OB # 465
