Attempted Housebreak In & Theft, Burnside Road, Tamboerskloof @ 09:28 on the 2 December 2016. Our monitoring centre received a call from a client reporting that his wife was standing outside the premises as it had been burgled. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the front door handle had been removed but no access had been gained. SAPS were dispatched for further investigation.

OB # 29


Narcotics, Buxton Avenue, Oranjezicht @ 23:05 on the 2 December 2016. Our monitoring centre received a report form the AR that when driving past a premises he saw SAPS outside and thought it may have been burgled. It was later established that there was no break in, however a resident was apprehended as drugs were found on the premises.

OB # 34


Drunk & Disorderly Behaviour, Orange Street, Gardens @ 01:04 on the 4 December 2016. Our monitoring centre received multiple panic alarms from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported three males under the influence of alcohol were making a ruckus. AR subdued and removed them. 

OB # 63


Attempted Housebreak In & Theft, St Micheal’s Road, Tamboerskloof @ 03:44 on the 5 Decemebr 2016. Our monitoring centre received a report that someone was on the premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the intruder had removed the left hand side glass window but had run off when he was spotted by the client. No charges were filed as no access had been gained.

OB # 64


Trespassing, Serpentine Road, Oranjezicht @ 23:42 on the 5 December 2016. Our monitoring centre received a report there were intruders on a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported when the client arrived home, two males were in their driveway. Before running off, one of the intruders was bitten by the client’s dog.  

OB # 78


Attempted Housebreak In & Theft, Grey Street, Woodstock @ 02:33 on the 8 December 2016. Our monitoring centre received multiple burglary alarm signals from a premises. AR was dispatched and on arrival reported the burglar gates were bent and the front door was open. Client could not confirm if access had been gained. SAPS would be contacted later if it was established the premises had been burgled.

OB # 118



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